Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Direct tax collections reflect disparities | Arun Kumar (in Business Line May 9, 2024)

Business Line May 09, 2024  

The taxpaying citizens largely belong to the organised sector. Their incomes have risen substantially and they pay more tax

Direct tax collection by the Central government comes from incomes, wealth and transactions. | Photo Credit: Prakash Bharti 

The Central Board of Direct Taxes has announced that net direct tax collection has exceeded its target for 2023-24. It has increased 17.7 per cent over last year and much faster than the income increase of about 9 per cent. Analysis of this data is also important since the Prime Minister has set in motion the issue of redistribution in the economy. 

Net Direct Tax collections of the Centre at Rs.19.58 lakh crore are higher than the budget estimate of Rs.18.23 lakh crore for 2023-24. This was revised to Rs.19.45 lakh crore in the Union Budget 2024-25 and the actual has turned out to be even higher by 0.67%. The net figure is arrived at by subtracting the refunds to tax payers. The refunds have also increased substantially by 22.74% over the last year’s figure of Rs.3.09 lakh crore to reach Rs.3.79 lakh crore. What does it tell us about Indian economy’s performance in 2023-24? 

Rising Share of PIT

Direct tax collection by the Central government comes from incomes, wealth and transactions. Tax on wealth – wealth tax, estate duty and gift tax – has been negligible since it is largely eliminated. Income tax is collected both as Personal Income Tax (PIT) and Corporation tax.
PIT has sharply increased by 24.26%. Corporation tax has increased by 10.26% and is 46.53% of the total direct tax collection, considerably less than its share of 49.64% in 2022-23.
In 2018-19, revenue from Corporation tax exceeded PIT by 40.3%. In 2019-20 this excess declined to 13.05% due to the sharp reduction in the Corporation tax rate. In 2020-21, the excess turned into a deficit of 6.4% but in 2021-22 Corporation tax collection again exceeded that from PIT but after that PIT has been higher. Why these swings?
The increase in tax collection can occur for two reasons. First, an increase in the base of tax collection. That is more entities come under the tax net. With inflation, nominal incomes rise and those who were not under the tax net also come under it. The number of people in the direct tax net has risen from 7,42,49,558 in FY 2016-17 to 9,37,76,869 in FY 2021-22. Further, those already in the tax net have a higher income. Second, if the government raises the rate of tax, collections increase. Both these factors are at play currently.  
Income tax rate has been raised through a surcharge on tax payable while keeping the base rate unchanged at 30% and education and health cess at 4%. In 2014-15 a surcharge on income tax of 10% was introduced for an income above Rs. 1 crore. In 2016-17, it was raised to 12% and in 2017-18 to 15%. In 2018-19, a surcharge of 10% for income between Rs.50 lakh and Rs. 1 crore was introduced while 15% on incomes above Rs.1 crore remained unchanged. In 2021-22, a levy of 25% on incomes between Rs.2 crore and Rs.5 crore and 37% on income above Rs.5 crore was introduced. There was no change in surcharge for income below Rs.2 crore.
In brief, while the Corporation tax rate was reduced, the tax on incomes has been raised. Naturally, tax collection under PIT has increased faster than from Corporation tax. Further, the big increase in income tax collection is no indication of a rapidly growing economy. It could be claimed that the increase is a result of better tax compliance due to control of black economy but that does not appear to be the case.  

Narrow base of PIT  

To resolve the issue whether or not compliance has improved, there is need for more granular data on which entities are paying more of income tax. Detailed data is available for 2020-21 and some data for 2021-22. What does it reveal ?
First and foremost, the base of tax payment in India is very narrow. Only those in the top rung of the income ladder in the country are in the income tax net. In 2020-21, 6.6% of the population filed a tax return. But most of them did not pay any income tax since their income was below the taxable limit. Effectively, only 0.68% of the population had high enough income to pay a significant amount of income tax, these are called the effective tax payers. Further, 0.016% declared an income above Rs.1 crore with a share of 38.6% of the declared taxable income.
It is this 0.68% and 0.016% which has had to pay a surcharge and a higher tax rate. Even if their income did not rise, they had to pay a higher tax rate.  For income between Rs.2 crore and Rs.5 crore, there was an increase of 3% in the tax rate and for an income above Rs. 5 crore the increase was 6.6%. This rate increase explains a part of the increase in PIT.  
The other part is due to a rise in inequality in the economy. The tax paying citizens’ largely belong to the organized sector. Their incomes have risen substantially and they pay more tax. The unorganized sector incomes are mostly below the taxable limit.  
Further, Data on Q3 of GDP for 2023-24  shows a decline in the share of consumption. This indicates a shift in incomes’ share from the poor to the well-off, since higher the income, smaller is the per cent of it consumed. So, as the income share of the well-off increases PIT would increase without compliance improving.  


In brief, the rapid increase in PIT indicates increasing income disparity between the organized sector which falls in the tax net and the unorganized sector that lies largely outside the tax net. No wonder there is talk of redistribution. 

Author of `Indian Economy’s Greatest Crisis: Impact of the Coronavirus and the Road Ahead’ 2020.
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